Great speakers at the Brillantmont Young Enterprise Society Club

This academic year the advanced Economics and after school Young Enterprise Society Club students have deeply benefited from Brillantmont’s connection with the Zurich based financial and entrepreneurial training institute the Young Enterprise Society (YES).


Mr. Dominic Vomsattel is the programmer manager at YES and has connected our students with wonderful mentors from one of the world’s largest banks, UBS. These entrepreneurial and finance mentors have worked with our students growing several important skills, such as investment strategy, business start-ups, and interview and CV writing skills. All the important skills learned by our eager Brillantmont students will be transferable to their future careers and success.


Brillantmont students have gained from the expertise of Ms. Dandan Zhao (Director, Asset Management Model Validation), Ms. Ophelia Ribes (Quantitative Analyst), and Mr. Kader Remil (Finance Director), all of UBS. They have selflessly given their time to virtually meet with our students via Zoom on an ongoing basis. Brillantmont would like to thank the YES program’s Dominic Vomsattel and our mentors from UBS for selflessly volunteering to further our students education.
At Brillantmont our talented students turn the theoretical skills they learn in our classrooms into real-life applications to engender future success.


The YES Club’s talented members reflect our cultural diversity and includes students from Switzerland, Mexico, Spain, India, Luxembourg and Iran and are led by Mr Joe Brogan, our Economics /History teacher.


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