Well-being at the heart of teaching at Collège du Léman … For young and old!


The Student Support Services department assists students with special needs not only in terms of academic learning, but also looks after their mental and physical health. Indeed, well-being has always been at the heart of Collège du Léman and is even more important in this moment. Educational workshops, transition preparation, individual or group sessions, no subject is taboo. And from now on, the brand new «Parent Academy» will accompany parents in their mission as caregivers.

The management of Collège du Léman and the Student Support Services department, led for several years by Bridget Curran, a specialist in cognitive-behavioural therapy, have set up several important initiatives for children of all ages. Essential support is at the heart of the curriculum.


Part of the work of the Student Support Services department is to address a wide range of topics and to develop pupils’ self-awareness and self-confidence, as well as the skills needed to manage emotions. Pascale Rollet, Principal of the Preschool explains how, for the younger children, circle time is used several times a week to open up dialogue in class, to make sure that each pupil is doing well, and, if necessary, to revisit events or exchanges that have taken place during recess time.

Supervised play sessions can then be organised in groups of 4-5 children. Mme. Rollet knows that her team ensures that children are responsible for their actions and words, and works to awaken their self-awareness from an early age.

At the secondary level, the same principle of «circle time» allows students to ask questions and open discussions on a variety of topics. At present, they focus a lot on resilience, but also on self-confidence, assertiveness or inclusion. More serious topics are also regularly discussed, such as peer pressure, bullying or the impact of social networks. Mental health, disability, LGBTQ, racial and ethnic issues are all topics that students can discuss in bi-weekly groups outside school hours.

There are also support programmes for transitions, for example when a child moves from Preschool to Primary, or from Primary to Middle School. Bridget Curran, a specialist in cognitive behavioural therapy, who heads the Student Support Services Department, says: «We are very aware that there are many stages in a child’s school career, and we want to provide individual support throughout this period. Our continuous attention allows us to prevent and anticipate the needs of the pupils, to create a dialogue and a privileged relationship between them, the school, without forgetting the parents.»

Well-being is a foundation on which academic excellence, quality learning and effective teaching depend. At Collège du Léman, it is essential to meet students’ needs, both physical and emotional, so that they can reach their full potential.



A modern school must have many strings to its bow, but also be ahead of its time. Collège du Léman understands this. The school is aware that communication with parents plays a key role in the development and well-being of children and this is precisely the aim of the Parent Academy. This new programme provides practical advice on education and parenting and places parents at the heart of the process.

In order to help with school, educational and private life, the Student Support Services department has introduced the Parent Academy this year, a programme designed especially for parents. During these workshops, with themes chosen according to the parents’ interests, they can ask questions, and specialists share advice and ideas, with several objectives : to develop bonds with their child, to contribute to the development of self-esteem, to improve relations between brothers and sisters, and to learn to find a balance between one’s life as a parent and one’s daily obligations.