upcoming events
Past events
Swiss Learning in Moscow 21 October 2021
Swiss Learning Evening Reception for Partners and Friends The Swiss Learning Schools, in partnership with the Embassy of Switzerland in Russia, gathers partners and friends
Swiss Learning Colombia Webinar 4 Mayo 2021
Descubre la excelencia de la educación en Suiza Swiss Learning Colombia tiene el gusto de invitarlo al webinar educativo para conocer los internados más prestigiosos
Swiss Learning Colombia Webinar 13.04.21
Webinar Educativo Descubre la excelencia de la educación en Suiza Swiss Learning Colombia tiene el gusto de invitarlo al webinar educativo para conocer los internados
Swiss Camps TikTok Competition
Swiss Camps is proud to present: “The TikTok Challenge“! TIKTOK THEME: my SUMMER CAMP in SWITZERLAND Send us your best TikTok up to 1 minute
Swiss Learning Japan will speak at the webinar for Gentosha
スイス・ラーニング日本事務局 幻冬舎主催ウェブセミナーに参加します。 2020年5月16日 (土) 17時00分 ~ 18時00分 “子弟の本格留学を考える富裕層のための 「スイス・ボーディングスクール」の知られざる魅力” 詳細、お申込は幻冬舎カメハメハ倶楽部ホームページをご確認下さい。 https://kamehameha.jp/newseminar?id=5208#jumpto5208 尚、本セミナーへの参加には、幻冬舎カメハメハ倶楽部への会員登録が必要です。登録には審査がございますので、お申込は5月15日(金)中に行って下さい。 本セミナーまたはスイス留学についてのご質問など、スイス・ラーニング日本事務局代表の天野まで、お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。 japan@swisslearning.com 080-8856-8404
Swiss Camps in Los Angeles
Discover our Summer Camps in Switzerland By appointment, on Thursday 20th, Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd February 2020 Four Seasons Los Angeles at Beverly Hills
Swiss Learning in Moscow – Partners’ Workshop
The Swiss Learning Schools, in partnership with the Embassy of Switzerland in Russia, request the pleasure of your company for a Partners’ workshop on Tuesday,
Swiss Learning in Moscow
HE Yves Rossier, Ambassador of Switzerland, and Mr. Christophe Xavier Clivaz, founder of Swiss Learning, in partnership with Audemars Piguet and UBS, have the pleasure
Swiss Learning in Beijing
Mr. Bernardino Regazzoni, Ambassador of Switzerland to China, and Mr. Christophe-Xavier Clivaz, Founder of Swiss Learning, in partnership with UBS and Audermars Piguet, are pleased