What’s in store for 2020/21 at Brillantmont?

This very special school year has seen a new normal established here at Brillantmont. Unlike many students across the world, who are only learning online, all our students have returned to the classroom to learn together. Of course, we all wear masks at all times and we have a clear Protection Plan in place to minimise the risks, but the great thing is to have that person to person contact which we all need.


The students have been working hard on some very exciting projects and ventures:  our STEAM lessons have been helping Grades 8 and 9 improve their coding skills to build robots and animate animals;  our YES after-school club is inspiring the business minds of tomorrow plus, our five Houses have elected their new student leaders! After such busy week, a half term holiday in the beautiful village of Château d’Oex, respecting the hygiene protocols, was a welcome break for all.




Brillantmont Student Elections

The US Election might be dominating headlines at the moment, but here at Brillantmont we have had our own exciting political battle! Our students belong to one of our five Houses: Rousseau, Einstein, Anker, Chaplin and Piccard. Each House has its own Student Leader, elected from the students and by the students! This year’s hustings featured some very well presented campaigns from the candidates, and we look forward to seeing what the elected Student Leaders will bring to their new roles, promoting team-building, collaboration and a sense of belonging.

Programming and Coding

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) courses are proving very popular at Brillantmont and we have been able to work on some exciting programming and coding projects with Grades 8 and 9. One class has been animating sequences of dancing animals, while another group has been building and commanding their own robots. Our STEAM courses are designed to help students forge career paths in an increasingly digital world – but we are having a whole lot of fun as well!



YES Club Heading To Business School of Lausannes Entrepreneurship Competition

The Young Enterprise Switzerland Club is one of many after-school activities in which our students can participate. The club teaches members about investments and runs a weekly stock market competition. YES Club is part of a network of young entrepreneurs including YES Switzerland in Zurich, and the Young Investors Society and SIFMA Foundation.


The students have connected with mentors from the business world, and will enjoy a virtual guest speaker event by UBS executive Mr. Kader Remil later this month. In January 2021, YES Club will enter the Business School of Lausanne’s Entrepreneurship competition with a presentation on their business start-up project.


It is wonderful that in this very particular school year, we have so much going on at Brillantmont, and every student has an opportunity to pursue their own interests and expand their skills in areas that will lead them to university, and into the world of work. From technology to economics, students are very busy as the school gets used to a new way of interacting with each other, while ensuring the school spirit remains.



Brillantmont International School

Founded in 1882, Brillantmont International School is one of the oldest boarding schools in Switzerland and is still owned and run by the founding family. The school welcomes boarding and day students, aged 13-18 (Grades 8-12) from over 30 nationalities. Students follow stimulating courses leading to internationally recognised examinations (British IGCSE, A Level ; American High School Diploma with SAT and IELTS).